Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Monk and The Scorpion

The city majestrate was walking through the square one morning when he noticed a monk crouching by a puddle left by the just ended downpour.
The monk, had noticed a scorpion in a puddle. He extended his hand and plucked the scorpion from the water.
With this, the scorpion stung the monks finger. The monk dropped the scorpion. The majestrate could here a whimper as he observed the monk sucking his finger in attempt to quell the pain.
The majestrate became astonished when the monk reached back into the water to pick up the scorpion with the inevitable stinging result.
The majestrate admonsihed the monk. " Do you not realize that is the scorpion's nature to sting you?" he asked the monk with a tone of arrogance.
The monk replied "Do you not realize it is in my nature to help it?"

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